One of the most inexpensive ways to enjoy great coffee. The Hario V60 pour-over dripper has spiralling ribs on the inside of the wall leading to a large hole, which encourage the brew into the cup and prevent the paper filter from sticking to the inside of the cone.
Easy to use, simple to clean – take it with you anywhere. Brilliant!
For 400ml water you’ll need 24g of coffee
You'll need ...
V60 Guide:
• Grind your coffee medium to fine – you should feel the grinds between your fingers but it should be just slightly coarser than an espresso grind but finer than for a Chemex
• Wet the filter paper and warm the cup with hot water, then discard. Place the coffee in the centre of the paper cone
• Put your cup and Hario Dripper on a set of scales and tare (zero). Pour a small amount of water over the coffee (without touching the paper) just to cover the grounds, so that it “blooms” – this just allows the grinds to get wet and expand, freeing the coffee solids within the grind. The best way to do this accurately is with a . Leave for 30 secs
• Pour half the remaining water slowly into the cone and wait until the water has almost dripped through
• Pour over the remaining water. Aim for an overall time of 1 minute for every 100ml used and adjust your grind accordingly. You’ll get it spot on as you practise more